All Classes and Interfaces

Vault AppRole role metamodel.
A builder for vault AppRole roles..
Vault response for AppRole lookup.
Vault AppRole role metamodel.
Vault response for AppRole lookup.
Currently supported authentication backends.
Embedded authorization information inside Vault response.
Embedded authentication method response.
Authentication method response.
Exception thrown trying to do a request without any authorization handles.
Vault response for authentication providing auth info in AuthData field.
Exception thrown on problems with connection to Vault backend.
Vault response from credentials lookup.
Vault response in case of errors.
Vault response for health query.
Vault response for help request.
Vault Connector implementation using Vault's HTTP API.
Vault Connector Builder implementation for HTTP Vault connectors.
Exception thrown when trying to send malformed request.
Exception thrown when response from vault returned with erroneous status code or payload could not be parsed to entity class.
Vault response for secret metadata (KV v2).
Vault response for secret responses with metadata.
Embedded multi-factor-authentication (MFA) constraint "any".
Embedded multi-factor-authentication (MFA) requirement.
Embedded multi-factor-authentication (MFA) requirement.
Embedded mount config output.
Exception thrown when trying to access a path the current user/token does not have permission to access.
Vault response for plain secret responses.
Simple Vault data response.
Vault response for seal status or unseal request.
Vault response for secret list request.
Wrapper object for secret key lists.
Embedded metadata for Key-Value v2 secrets.
Vault response for secret request.
Vault response for a single secret version metadata, i.e. after update (KV v2).
Wrapper object for secret data and metadata.
Exception thrown on errors with TLS connection.
Vault Token metamodel.
A builder for vault tokens.
Constants for token types.
Embedded token information inside Vault response.
Vault response from token lookup providing Token information in TokenData field.
Vault Token Role metamodel.
A builder for vault token roles.
Vault response from token role lookup providing Token information in TokenData field.
Embedded user lockout config output.
Vault Connector interface.
Abstract Exception class for Vault Connector internal exceptions.
Abstract Vault response with default payload fields.
Marker interface for responses from Vault backend.
Embedded metadata for a single Key-Value v2 version.
Wrapping information object.